Download our report into patriotic investment
Discover if hedge fund and portfolio managers think local stocks offer more potential
Learn about the effects of political and legislative uncertainty on international stocks
Find out where the next growth opportunities are

What’s inside?
IG Prime survey 250 UK portfolio managers and hedge fund managers in 2021 to answer crucial questions on the performance of domestic stocks and understand:
- The coronavirus’ effect on trends in UK-based stocks
- How UK-based stock is performing against US and Australian markets
- Opportunities for local hedge funds to increase their understanding of international markets

What do hedge fund and portfolio managers need to know about patriotic investment?

Here are some key points from the report:
- Managing the anxieties around risk – despite some international markets outpacing the UK, ‘safer’ investments that managers feel more confident will produce a return are being prioritised over ‘riskier’ investments due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic
- Trading strategies managers are using – a credit strategy is more likely to be partial to home bias, as investors are more likely to invest in the markets they know best
- Challenges people face in diversifying stock – despite an overall inclination to diversify their investments, a lack of experience in international markets may be one of the reasons why this is not happening

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