Download our report on the growing market for financial services in Southeast Asia
Explore the vast potential market for financial services in one of the fastest-growing economic regions in the world
Find out what’s driving demand in our analysis of savings rates, demographics, rising living standards and a growing appetite for more sophisticated products
Understand the factors that are likely to continue propelling rapid economic growth – and hence demand for financial services – in the coming years

What’s inside?
We analysed the key developments powering the rapid growth of the financial services sector across the region, exploring the various cultural, demographic and economic drivers that create differing product needs in each country.
We used those insights to explain the key trends you need to be aware of when marketing products and services in the region. These include:
- Digital-savvy populations
- Gaps in the market
- The rise of ‘silver’ consumers
- Growing demand for ESG products

What do institutions need to know about the growing market
for financial services in Southeast Asia?

Here are some key points from the report:
- Singapore remains the dominant financial centre in the region and is winning business from Hong Kong
- Concern over the rule of law and policy direction in China has led to a flow of money from wealthy Chinese people into Singapore
- The launch of new corporate structures in Singapore has enhanced the island republic’s appeal
- There are also significant centres in Bangkok, Manila, Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur servicing the needs of a fast-expanding local client base

Contact us
Let us create a solution tailored for your needs. Get in touch with our London-based team by phone or email to discuss your objectives, or request a brochure.
Tel: +41 (0)58 810 77 52