How can I trade options using my spread bet or CFD account?
You can access options from the finder menu on the left of the platform. Scroll down the list of assets and maturities to find your desired market, or use the filters on the left to narrow your search.
Using the options chain
Once you’ve selected your desired instrument from the left-hand fly-out menu, you’ll be presented with the options chain: a list of strikes, prices for both puts and calls, along with the implied volatility (‘IV’) value. You can add the options chain for a specific asset to your workspace, using the ‘add to workspace’ button on the top-right.
Use the arrows at the top of the options chain to scroll between different maturities. Alternatively, you can select your maturity from the drop-down between the arrows.
The price listed below the maturity selector is the price for the shown maturity. This will be different to the price shown in the left-hand fly-out menu, which is the spot price of the underlying market.
To bring up a deal ticket, select ‘buy’ or ‘sell’ from your desired option from the list. The deal ticket will appear on the right.
Bringing up an options chart
To view a chart for a particular options market, you’ll first need to add the options chain to your workspace. You can then choose your option price and direction from the chain, and select the chart icon from the top-right of the resulting deal ticket. Note: the chart icon will only appear when the options chain has been added to the workspace.