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Download our report on raising capital for new hedge funds

Discover how important hedge fund managers rate a track record of returns

Find out what they wish they’d known when starting their funds

Learn whether they think hedge fund incubators are worth it

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What’s inside?

We surveyed 507 hedge fund managers about current perceptions and perspectives regarding raising new capital. With the insights gathered, we determined:

  • How long they think you should work in an existing fund before starting your own
  • How they use lock-up periods to their advantage
  • What their top suggestions are for negotiating investor terms

What do hedge fund managers need to know about raising capital?

Raising capital chart

Here are some key points from the report:

  • LinkedIn is the most popular fund marketing tool today

The three preferred tools were LinkedIn (34%), fund databases (33%) and a website (28%)

  • You need to sell yourself as an individual to potential investors

Presentation and communication skills were listed as the most crucial ways to do this. A good CV was considered least important

  • New entrants to the market will need patience to gain investor trust

49% of respondents said that five-eight months is a typical waiting period to receive a definite yes or no answer from an investor

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