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CFD’s en turbo’s zijn complexe instrumenten en brengen vanwege het hefboomeffect een hoog risico mee van snel oplopende verliezen. 75% en 72% van de retailbeleggers lijdt verlies op de handel in CFD’s en turbo's met deze aanbieder. Het is belangrijk dat u goed begrijpt hoe CFD’s en turbo’s werken en dat u nagaat of u zich het hoge risico op verlies kunt permitteren. Derivatenhandel kent een hoog risico op snel verlies. CFD’s en turbo’s zijn complexe instrumenten en brengen vanwege het hefboomeffect een hoog risico mee van snel oplopende verliezen. 75% van de retailbeleggers lijdt verlies op de handel in CFD’s met deze aanbieder. 72% van de retailbeleggers lijdt verlies op de handel in turbo’s met deze aanbieder. Het is belangrijk dat u goed begrijpt hoe CFD’s en turbo’s werken en dat u nagaat of u zich het hoge risico op verlies kunt permitteren. Opties zijn complexe financiële instrumenten. Uw vermogen loopt risico.

Marie Herr

Marie Herr

Financial Writer

Berlin, Germany

Marie's media industry journey encompasses roles ranging from a communications manager in a mountain agency to film directing and producing content for brands like Spotify and Amorelie. Her ability to adapt language to various situations has been crucial to her success. She is a bilingual copywriter, proficient in German and English.

With IG since: February 2023

Trading since: 2021

Preferred trading style: Intra-day

Most memorable trade: Going long on Netflix share during early Covid. My lesson learned: seize opportunities when you see them!

Favorite financial book: The Warren Buffett Way 

Marie Herr, a Financial Writer at IG Europe since February 2023, brings over 10 years of experience in the media industry, with a focus on communications and film. Her writing expertise extends to prominent brands such as Red Bull, Audi, and Spotify, as well as contributions to magazines like Lola Magazine and Media Cat. Passionate about simplifying complex financial topics, Marie is dedicated to bridging financial literacy gaps and empowering a broader audience.

In her spare time, Marie engages in trading on shares, indices, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), forex, and commodities. She believes that continuous effort is essential for honing writing skills.

  • MA Political Communications & Media, Free University Berlin
  • Women’s Writing Lab with Hollywood writer Robin Swicord, HFF
  • BA in Communications & Media Studies, University of Western Australia