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How do I reactivate my CFD account and how do inactivity fees work?

Why has my account been closed?
Your account’s been closed because it was inactive for 24 consecutive months, there were no open positions and no funds were deposited.

What can I do if my CFD account has been closed due to inactivity?
If this has happened and you want to resume trading with us, you'll need to open a new account using an alternative email address and username, along with new versions of your KYC and payment information.

Once you’ve activated your new account, you can link your old email address in the account settings menu on our platform.

What if I had funds in my old inactive account?
Your account will not be closed as long as there is a balance remaining. We’ll charge you a rolling monthly inactivity fee of CHF18.

You can withdraw your funds at any time, or place a trade and the inactivity fee will not apply.

How can I avoid inactivity fees?
Stay active by opening or closing a position.

We’ll notify you via email before deducting the first inactivity fee. All paid fees will be shown on your account statements. You won’t be charged if you don’t have funds in your account.

If you don’t plan on trading within 24 consecutive months, you can opt to close your account and withdraw any remaining funds to avoid inactivity fees.