Discover what silver trading is
Silver trading is a method of gaining exposure to the price of silver. Trading in silver is purely speculative. There are a variety of silver markets available to trade in, including:
The traditional means of investing in silver would be to buy actual bars or coins.* Over the years, the costs of storing bullion and insurance have caused the method to decline in value
The spot price is the price at which silver is currently trading – buying at this price would mean the asset could be exchanged and delivered ‘on the spot’. The market enables traders to get exposure to the price of silver without taking ownership of bullion
Silver futures are contracts to exchange the metal at a specific price on a date in the future. Both parties in the contract – the buyer and seller – have the obligation to uphold their end of the deal
Silver options are contracts that give the holder the right – but not the obligation – to trade silver for a set price, on a set date. Call options give the right to buy silver, while put options give the right to sell it
Learn more about trading options
Exchange traded funds (ETFs) can track the movement of physical silver bullion or a basket of the shares of companies within the silver industry. Trading in silver ETFs gives you a broader exposure than you’d get from a single position
Learn more about trading ETFs
Trading in stocks can be a great way to get indirect exposure to the precious metals. You can find a variety of opportunities in every element of the industry, including mining, production, funding and sales
Learn more about trading shares
*Remember, with us you can only trade derivatives via CFDs.