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立即開始交易。撥打 +61(3)9860 1782(查看當地免費熱線)或致函sales.cn@ig.com。中文客戶熱線時間為星期一至星期五新加坡時間早上05:30 – 隔日凌晨02:00。
聯繫我們: +61(3)9860 1782
通貨膨脹本質上是一個經濟體中產品與服務價格的上漲,它的衡量指標為消費者物價指數 (CPI) 。控制通貨膨脹水準通常是中央銀行的責任,例如美聯儲或者其他同級的機構。通貨膨脹的變化會對貨幣的價值、消費者的購買力以及銀行的貨幣政策產生巨大影響。
美國通脹將成為未來一年的熱門話題,因為疫情的長期影響持續顯現,而且美聯儲尋求在 2022 全年動用關鍵政策槓桿來管理通貨膨脹目標。
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1. 了解通脹交易
2. 開立差價合約交易賬戶
3. 搜尋美國通脹指數
4. 選擇您的交易規模並採取措施管理您的風險
5. 開倉
我們的美國通脹指數包含一系列精選的 TIPS ETF,這些ETF與我們的 5 年期美國通脹掛鉤債券收益率具有相關性,後者為前瞻性通脹預期的常用基準。該指數由 BITA 提供,並根據其組成部分的權重進行定價。
INXG | 45%* |
VGOV | 20%* |
IGLT | 15%* |
GLTS | 15%* |
IUKP | 5%* |
* Figures are approximate
我們的美國通脹指數包含五隻 TIPS ETF。目前的指數構成如下:
TIP | 20%* |
SCHP | 20%* |
VTIP | 20%* |
STIP | 20%* |
SPIP | 20%* |
* 數字為近似值並有可能會發生變化。

囊括一籃子抗通脹的關鍵 ETF

How can I trade on inflation?
You can trade on inflation with us thanks to our unique inflation indices – a first, which you won’t find anywhere else. You can trade both UK and US inflation with a single position. Our inflation indices track benchmark gilt and TIPS ETFs listed on major exchanges.
To get started, open a spread betting or CFD trading account. You can use both to trade our inflation indices on leverage, which means you only need to put down a deposit to open your position. You’ll still get exposure to the full value of the trade – and profits and losses will be based on this amount, not your deposit.
It’s very important to note that trading is a high-risk activity. Your losses can significantly outweigh your deposit, as well as any profits that you make along the way. So, while trading gilt and TIPS ETFs give you possible inflation protection, the risk of losing money is still high. Always take care to manage your risk using our in-platform tools.
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Trade or invest in themes such as electric vehicles, AI and robotics
Learn more about indices and how to trade them with us
Discover ways to take a short-term position on interest rates
*IG International Ltd是IG集團控股有限公司(IG Group Holdings Plc)的一部分,IG集團是全球第一的差價合約交易平台。數據來源︰截至2023年10月已公佈的財務報表。