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Please note below our complaints procedure.

IG Asia Pte Ltd ("IGA") is committed to fair dealing and ensuring that a high standard of service is maintained.

In the unlikely event that you have any reason to feel dissatisfied with any aspect of our service, then it is important that you initially contact our Trading Services team on +65 6390 5118 or email who will be pleased to assist you. We encourage you to contact us right away, and the vast majority of complaints can be dealt with at this level.

To help us resolve your complaints as quickly as possible, please include your IGA Trading Account number, the relevant trade transaction details, and explain in detail the circumstances of the complaint. Please note if you are submitting your complaints via email, you have to send it from your registered email address on your IGA Trading Account.

If our Trading Services team is unable to resolve the matter or you feel that their service has not met your expectations, you can then escalate and email our Compliance Department directly at Please set out the complaint clearly and explain the reason for escalating to the Compliance Department. Our Compliance Department will acknowledge receipt within 2-3 business days, to carry out an independent review of the complaint and then aim to respond formally within fourteen business days. If we are unable to provide you with a final response within this timeframe, we will write to you the reason and advise you when to expect the final response.

If you feel that the Compliance Department has not provided a satisfactory resolution to your complaint, then you may refer your complaint to the Financial Institutions Dispute Resolution Centre Ltd (“FIDReC”). FIDReC is an independent organisation which resolves disputes between financial institutions and their customers for claims up to SGD100,000. You should note that FIDReC will not consider a complaint until we have had the opportunity to respond to it, and any reference to FIDReC must be made within six months from the date of the final response from us.

The contact details for FIDReC are:

Financial Institutions Dispute Resolution Centre Ltd
36 Robinson Road, #15-01
City House
Singapore 068877
Tel: +65 6327 8878

Further information can also be found at