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What are oil futures and how do you trade them?

Oil is one of the most volatile commodities that can be traded on the financial markets. Discover how you can trade oil futures using our award-winning platform.1

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Start trading today. Call +65 6390 5133 between 9am and 6pm (SGT) on weekdays or email for account opening enquiries.

Start trading today. Call +65 6390 5133 between 9am and 6pm (SGT) on weekdays or email for account opening enquiries.

Start trading today. Call +65 6390 5133 between 9am and 6pm (SGT) on weekdays or email for account opening enquiries.

What are oil futures?

Oil futures are financial contracts in which a buyer and a seller agree to trade a specified number of barrels of oil at a fixed price set for a future date. Crude oil futures give the buyer the obligation to buy the underlying market, and the seller the obligation to sell at or before the expiration of the contract.

how a futures contract taken today sets the future price of how oil will be traded in the future

The level at which a futures contract is currently trading is also the price where the upcoming transaction will take place. For example, if an oil future is currently listed at $75, this’ll be the level at which the asset will be traded when the contract reaches its expiry date (or ‘settles’). The person buying the oil is said to be ‘long’ on the future, while the seller is ‘short’.

The contract will clearly state the following:

  • Date of settlement or expiry
  • Number of barrels of oil to be traded (typically 1,000 barrels)
  • Quality and type of oil to be traded
  • Method of settlement (physically or cash settled)

What is oil futures trading?

Oil futures trading is the act of buying and selling crude oil futures. Traditionally, you’d trade crude oil futures if you were an oil producer or used oil as an industry input. The contracts remove uncertainty the from future prices, thereby lessening risk. You can also use oil futures to predict on oil prices.

For instance, if you believe that the price of Brent crude will increase above its current spot price of $130 per barrel, you’d assume oil futures would trade higher than that – at $132.

If you decide to go long, you’d ‘buy’ an oil future. So, if your prediction is correct, and the spot price moves (as per your prediction) to $140 by expiry, you’d earn a profit of $8 per barrel on settling the contract. If, contrary to your prediction, the spot price drops to $120 by expiry, you’d have made a loss of $12 per barrel.

Buying a Brent crude future contract at the current price can either result in a profit when the spot price is above the futures price at settlement expiry date or result in a loss when the spot price is below the futures price at settlement expiry date

Futures are traded on exchanges that standardise the terms of each contract. Listed oil futures are settled either physically or in cash. When settled physically, actual barrels of oil are delivered. When settled by cash payment, the difference between the future price and the spot market price is paid to the relevant party to the contract.

With us, you won’t have to deliver or take delivery of any physical barrels of oil. This is because you’ll trade exclusively on the prices of oil futures using contracts for differences (CFDs)* – that track the underlying market.

*Note that CFDs are leveraged products, meaning you can win, or lose, a significant amount more than your initial deposit.

Avoid overnight funding charges

With us, futures positions have no overnight funding charges. This means that you’ll trade oil futures if you’re looking to take a longer-term position on an underlying market. Bear in mind, however, that futures have a wider spread than spot (‘cash’) positions.

Trade with leverage

CFDs are leveraged products, which means you only need to pay an initial deposit – called margin – to open a position that provides increased market exposure.

When trading with leverage, keep in mind that your profit or loss is calculated using the whole position size and not just the margin, meaning your profits and losses will be magnified.

Before trading, ensure you understand how leveraged products work and determine if you can afford to risk losing your money. Take precautions by making use of our risk management tools.

Go long or short

When trading oil futures, you can go either long or short. You’ll go long if you believe that the price of the underlying asset will rise, and go short if you think it’ll fall.

When trading futures via CFDs, your profit or loss is determined by the accuracy of your prediction, and the overall size of the market movement.

how you can make a loss or profit when going short (‘sell’) versus showing how you can make a profit or loss when going long (‘buy’) an underlying asset

Hedge existing positions

Hedging with oil futures allows you to control your risk exposure. For example, if you own shares in a Brent crude producing company and you believe it might depreciate, you could short an oil future. If your prediction is correct, the profits you make from shorting your position could offset a fraction of your losses.

Note that when hedging you’ll still incur costs, therefore it’s important that you incorporate these into your hedge calculations and projections.

how a loss to your initial position and a gain when hedging can help reduce risk or neutralise exposure when trading oil futures

Take a position on Brent crude or WTI (US crude)

When trading oil futures, you can choose from two dominant markets – Brent crude and West Texas Intermediary (WTI), also known as US crude. Brent crude is produced from oil fields in Europe’s North Sea, while WTI is produced in North America.

Brent crude is used as a benchmark when trading oil contracts, futures and derivatives internationally, while WTI is a mostly used as a yardstick in Northern America.

The oils’ price differences or ‘quality spread’ are due to their different characteristics. Both oils are light and sweet, making them easier to be refined and processed by petrol producers.

With us you can also trade Crude Palm Oil, Heating Oil and London Gas Oil.

Automatic rollover at expiry

If you’d prefer to not close your position on or before the expiry date, you can change the settings in your account so that it can be rolled over automatically.

By rolling over a contract’s expiry date, you delay the asset’s delivery to the following month, and subsequently avoid incurring costs and obligations associated with settling the future contract. This is often done when you don’t want to take delivery of the physical asset such as barrels of oil.

When trading CFDs, you can set up automatic rollover instructions by logging in to your account, selecting ‘rollovers’ from the ‘Settings’ tab and then following the instructions. Once the rollovers have been set up on your account, you’ll receive a confirmation email.

Make sure futures are how you want to trade oil

Besides trading oil futures, you can also trade the spot oil market (called our ‘cash’ market) or oil options.

Oil futures Oil options Oil spot price
How it’s priced Based on listed exchange price Based on listed exchange price ‘On the spot’ or current value of oil, with continuous, real-time pricing
Ways of trading CFD trading CFD trading CFD trading
Can I short oil? Yes Yes Yes
Can I predict on negative oil prices? Yes Yes Yes
Commodities energies markets US crude, Heating oil, Palm oil, No Lead Gasoline, Natural gas, Carbon emissions US crude, Brent crude, Heating oil, Palm oil, No Lead Gasoline, Natural gas, Carbon emissions US crude, Brent crude, Heating oil, Palm oil No Lead Gasoline, Natural gas, Carbon emissions
Costs and charges Larger spread but no overnight funding charges Higher premium but no overnight funding charges Narrower spread but with overnight funding charges
Risk to capital You could lose more than your deposit (margin) Limited to premium if you buy put or call, could lose more than premium if you sell You could lose more than your deposit (margin)
Expiry Yes Yes No

Understand how oil futures trading works

With us, you can trade on price movements on oil futures markets using CFDs. CFDs are traded with the contract’s value already at specified amount ($) per point or ‘tick’ of the underlying asset’s price. Note that CFDs are quoted in US dollars for oil.

Create your account and log in

With us, you can trade oil futures via CFDs. You can use these derivative products to take a position on rising and falling prices on oil futures.

If you’re not familiar with trading oil futures, you can open a demo account to practise in a risk-free environment with $200,000 in virtual funds. Once you’re confident, you can open a live account – with no obligation to fund or trade until you’re ready.

Pick your oil futures market and expiry

You have the flexibility to choose the oil futures markets that you’d like to trade – whether it's Brent crude, US crude (WTI), Palm Oil, Heating Oil or London Gas Oil.

You can also choose not to close your position on or before the expiry date. This means that the expiry date of your contract will be automatically rolled over to the following month.

To set up automatic rollover instructions when trading CFDs on your account, go the ‘settings’ tab and select ‘rollovers’ and follow the instructions. You’ll receive a confirmation email once rollovers have been set up successfully on your account.

Set your position size and manage your risk

When you’re ready to take your position, click ‘buy’ to go long or ‘sell’ to go short. Then, set your position size. To manage your risk, select your limit and stop-loss levels in the deal ticket. There are various tools you can use such as a normal, trailing, and guaranteed stops.

A normal stop-loss is an instruction to close your position once it hits a price that’s less favourable than the current market price. Although a useful tool, if slippage takes place your order may not be carried out at the specified price.

A trailing stop is set to automatically adjust to market movements, meaning it follows your position. It locks in your profit when the market moves in your favour and closes the position if it moves against you.

A guaranteed stop will be executed at the exact specified price. This stop works in a similar way to a basic stop, except that it’ll always filled at the level your set, regardless of whether there are rapid price movements or gaps.

Place your oil futures trade

When you’re satisfied with your deal size and risk management orders, you can continue with opening your trade by clicking on ‘Place deal’. Once that’s done, you can monitor your position.

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1 Winner for Mobile Platform / App based on the Investment Trends 2018 Singapore CFD & FX Report based on a survey of over 4,500 traders and investors. Awarded the Best Online Trading Platform by Influential Brands in 2019 and 2022. Winner of FX Markets Asia FX Awards 2021 - Best Retail FX Platform. Winner for Best Trading App based on the Investors Chronicle and Financial Times Investment and Wealth Management Awards 2018, and the Professional Trader Awards 2019.