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How to trade or invest in silver

Find out how to take a position on CFDs on silver online with spot, futures and options prices, as well as silver-stocks and ETFs.

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Steps to trading or investing in silver CFDs

Are you ready to trade or invest in silver? Take your position in just three steps:

Choose a silver market to trade

Trade on silver’s price or a selection of silver stocks and ETFs.

Make a trading plan

Decide whether you would like to trade on silver short term, or long term - and how you're going to manage your risk.

Open a live account

Create a CFD trading account in minutes with our online form.

Discover what silver investing and trading are

Silver investing and trading are two methods of gaining exposure to the price of silver. Investing in silver assets would give you ownership of the underlying, while trading silver is purely speculative. There are a variety of silver markets available to trade or invest in, including:

  • Silver bullion

The traditional means of investing in silver is to buy actual bars or coins. Over the years, the costs of storing bullion and insurance have caused the method to decline in value

  • Spot silver

The spot price is the price at which silver is currently trading – buying at this price would mean the asset could be exchanged and delivered ‘on the spot’. The market enables traders to get exposure to the price of silver without taking ownership of bullion

  • Silver futures

Silver futures are contracts to exchange the metal at a specific price on a date in the future. Both parties in the contract – the buyer and seller – have the obligation to uphold their end of the deal

  • Silver options

Silver options are contracts that give the holder the right – but not the obligation – to trade silver for a set price, on a set date. Call options give the right to buy silver, while put options give the right to sell it

  • Silver ETFs

Exchange traded funds (ETFs) can track the movement of physical silver bullion or a basket of the shares of companies within the silver industry. Trading or investing in silver ETFs gives you a broader exposure than you’d get from a single position

  • Silver stocks

Trading on or investing in stocks can be a great way to get indirect exposure to the precious metals. You can gain find a variety of opportunities in every element of the industry, including mining, production, funding and sales

Different silver markets

Learn about the relationship between silver and gold

The comparison between gold and silver dates back centuries, with silver literally coming in ‘second place’ to the rarer metal – marking the runner-up in competitions since the 1800s. Both precious metals are considered safe-haven assets, although gold is – again – the more popular choice.

The relationship between the two can be monitored using the gold-silver ratio, which shows the amount of silver it takes to buy one ounce of gold.

For example, if the ratio is 20 to 1, then at the current market price it would take 20 ounces of silver to buy an ounce of gold. If silver’s value is up, then the ratio would narrow as it takes less silver to make the purchase. When the ratio narrows or widens, it can be a good indicator of an opportunity to buy or sell gold and silver.

A higher ratio indicates a good time to buy silver, as it is cheaper in comparison to gold. A lower ratio indicates a good time to buy gold, as silver is becoming more expensive.

Relationship between silver and gold

Historically, the price ratio was fixed at 15:1, as it was believed that it would help stabilise the global economy. However, in 1873, it started to fluctuate once the gold rush caused an oversupply in the market – leading to the hoarding of silver.

Although the price ratio is no longer fixed, there remains a strong correlation between the two. The relationship is now based on their uses, rather than the policy of world governments.

Understand what moves the price of silver

Silver, like any market, is driven by supply and demand. However, the price of silver is often far more volatile than other metals, as it has a variety of different uses and factors that can impact its value, including:

  • Use in industry
  • The US dollar
  • Safe-haven investments
  • Inflation
  • Demand for other metals

The properties of silver make it uniquely positioned for use in industry – it’s highly conductive, anti-bacterial, malleable and ductile. As such, silver is used in batteries, LED chips, dentistry, water purification and medicine. All of this creates a steady demand for the metal that isn’t dependent on investment.

Silver is denominated in US dollars, which means that the two generally have an inverse relationship. So, if the dollar weakens, silver becomes cheaper to purchase, which can lead to increased demand and higher prices. Alternatively, if the dollar strengthens, silver becomes more expensive and demand is likely to fall.

As both silver and gold are used as safe-haven investments, their prices are influenced by economic performance and political stability. As silver is seen to retain its value far better than paper currencies and other assets when the economy declines, investors often flock to it as a store of value.

Conversely, in periods of economic growth, silver can decline in value as investors turn to other assets that generate higher returns. There’s also increased demand from consumers, who are seeking to buy luxury goods such as jewellery.

Silver is seen as a great hedge against inflation. While inflation normally erodes the value of paper currency, silver can provide protection as its price is more heavily impacted by different factors.

Silver is commonly found in the process of extracting other metals from the ground. For example, copper ore mining accounts for 26% of all silver finds – so if demand for copper spikes, it can lead to a rise in silver supply. Increased supply, without the subsequent increase in demand, could cause the market to be flooded. But as the demand for silver is fairly stable, this isn’t usually an issue.

Decide how you want to trade or invest in silver

Discover how you can take a position on silver and choose which method is right for you.

  • Silver
  • Silver stocks
  • Silver ETFs
  • Silver spot prices
  • Silver futures prices
  • Silver options prices
  • CFDs
  • CFDs

Silver spot prices

Speculate on the current price of silver, with no-fixed expiries. You can trade silver spot prices with CFDs – or choose from 26 other spot markets.

Silver futures prices

Trade silver at a set price on a set date in the future. Speculate on underlying silver futures with CFDs – you’ll be able to trade the market price without taking delivery of any assets.

Learn more

Silver options prices

Trade options that give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell silver at a set price on a set date. Take your position on the price of underlying silver options using CFDs.

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Trade CFDs to speculate on whether the value of a silver company’s share will move up or down – without having to own the asset.

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Trade CFDs to speculate on whether a silver ETF will rise or fall in price – without having to own the shares.

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Trading vs investing in silver

You should trade silver if:

  • You want to go long or short on the underlying price of silver
  • You want to leverage your exposure
  • You want to take short-term positions
  • You want to hedge your portfolio
  • You want to trade without owning the underlying asset

You should invest in silver if:

  • You want to buy stocks and ETFs
  • You want to invest tax-free via a stocks and shares ISA or SIPP
  • You’re focused on longer-term growth
  • You want to build a diversified portfolio
  • You want to take ownership of the underlying asset
  • You want voting rights and dividends

Create your silver trading CFD account

Start trading silver or investing silver stocks and ETFs by filling out our online application form. You could be ready to trade CFDs in minutes.

If you’re not ready to trade, you can build up your confidence in a demo account.

Find your opportunity

Discover your first silver trade with a range of tools available in-platform.

Silver trading and investing - expert analysis

Expert analysis

Get automatic notifications when your silver price target is met

Silver trading - technical indicators

Technical indicators

Discover silver trends with popular indicators such as moving averages

Silver trading alerts

Trading alerts

Get automatic notifications when your silver price target is met

Silver trading signals

Trading signals

Receive actionable ‘buy’ and ‘sell’ signals based on silver analysis

Open your first trade

You can trade our proprietary silver spot prices, futures contracts and options via CFDs. Alternatively, you can get indirect exposure via silver company stocks and ETFs.

Once you’ve decided how you’ll take a position, it’s important to think about whether you want to buy or sell silver, the position size you’ll take and how you will manage your risk.

  • Spot silver
  • Silver futures
  • Silver options
  • Silver stocks and ETFs

Our spot prices are based on the prices of the two nearest silver futures. As there are no fixed expiries, you can use these undated contracts to take shorter-term positions. Plus, you can see silver trends more clearly with continuous pricing across the market’s entire history – rather than just the duration of a single future.

Once you’ve created your account and logged in, you can trade silver CFDs spot prices by:

  1. Searching for silver or finding it under ‘commodities’ in the left-hand menu
  2. Selecting ‘spot’ at the top of the deal ticket in the right-hand panel
  3. Choosing your trade size
  4. Opening your position by clicking ‘buy’ or ‘sell’

Learn more about commodities trading

When you trade silver futures with us, you’ll actually be trading CFDs on the underlying market price. This means you won’t be entering into a futures contract, but deciding on whether it will become more or less valuable before it expires.

After you’ve opened your account and logged in, simply:

  1. Search for silver or find it under ‘commodities’ in the left-hand menu
  2. Choose ‘futures’ at the top of the deal ticket in the right-hand panel
  3. Select the expiry you’re interested in
  4. Pick your trade size
  5. Open your position by clicking ‘buy’ or ‘sell’

At expiry, we’ll roll over your futures contract into the next month, unless you close your position. It’s important to note that there may be a difference in the price for the next month’s contract.

Learn more about futures trading

Speculate on whether silver options will rise or fall in value by a certain date. Once you’ve created your account and logged in, you’d just need to:

  1. Select ‘options’ from the menu on the left
  2. Tick ‘commodities’ and choose between silver monthly options
  3. Pick the option type, strike price and trade size you want
  4. Open your first position

Learn more about how to trade options

Take a position on silver stocks and ETFs to get indirect exposure to silver.

Go long or short on the underlying price of a stock or ETF with CFDs – you won’t take ownership of the asset.

Choose whether to go long or short on silver

When you trade silver assets via CFDs, you can open a position to buy or sell the market – known as going long or short. You’d buy if you expected the market value to rise in a given timeframe, and you’d sell if you thought it would decline.

Monitor your trade and close your position

Once you’ve opened your position, you can see your trade in the ‘positions’ section of our platform – enabling you to monitor your running profit and loss.

Silver trading and investing platform

It’s important to keep an eye on silver market news while your position is open and continue to perform technical analysis so that you can identify key turning points in the market.

Ready to open your first trade? Create an account now

When you decide it’s time to close your position, you can simply click ‘close’.


Can I profit from trading on the silver price?

Yes, if the position you take on whether silver’s price is correct you would generate a profit. If you’re trading silver markets with derivative products means you can take advantage of rising and falling market prices.

How do you trade in silver?

You can trade in silver with our spot markets, futures, options, stocks and ETFs. To open a position, you’ll need a CFD account.

What moves silver markets?

Silver is incredibly volatile as there are a wide range of factors that can influence its price, including its use in industry, the value of the US dollar, its status as a safe-haven investment, inflation and the demand for other metals.

When can I trade silver CFDs?

Our silver spot market is available between 11pm Sunday and 10pm Friday (UK time). Silver futures can be traded 24 hours a day, five days a week, except between 10pm to 11pm (UK time).