High: 99431
Low: 98077
The percentage of IG client accounts with positions in this market that are currently long or short. Calculated to the nearest 1%.
Bitcoin, ether, litecoin and more.
Keep trading when markets are usually closed1
Trade rising and falling prices on leverage, even while other markets are flat2
Minimum size 0.05
Contract size BTC 1
One Pip means 1
Value of one Pip USD 1 (SGD 1.34)
Margin 50%
Minimum stop distance 0.2%
Minimum guaranteed stop distance 10.0%
Your aggregate position in this market will be margined in the following tiers:
Tier | Position size | Margin |
1 | 0 - 15 Contracts - USD | 50% |
2 | 15 - 30 Contracts - USD | 50% |
3 | 30 - 45 Contracts - USD | 50% |
4 | 45 + Contracts - USD | 75% |
If your aggregate position is larger than Tier 1, your margin requirement will not be reduced by non-guaranteed stops.
Please note: we have tried to ensure that the information here is as accurate as possible, but it is intended for guidance only and any errors will not be binding on us.
Products based on Bitcoins are currently NOT regulated in Singapore.
No escalation of complaints to MAS or FIDReC permitted. Be fully aware of the risks before trading.
Other positions taken by clients trading this market
Use this to see how IG client accounts with positions on this market are trading other markets. Data is calculated to the nearest 1%, and updated automatically every 15 minutes.
This is calculated to the nearest 1%.
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Go long or short on bitcoin to make the most of volatility.
Discover why so many clients choose us, and what makes us the world's No.1 CFD provider.3
Open a position on litecoin via your CFD account.
1 Trade cryptocurrencies from 4am Saturday through to 10pm on Friday night (UK time). If you have a position open on one of these cryptocurrency markets, it will be affected by weekend trading. This additional trading period during the weekend means not only do you have longer to speculate on the price of different coins, but also any stops and limits you have open can be filled on the weekend.
2While leverage magnifies profits, it will also magnify losses.
3Based on revenue (published financial statements, October 2022)