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Singapore Blue Chip


Singapore Blue Chip chart This market's chart. This is a visual representation of the price action in the market, over a certain period of time. You can use this to help gauge a market’s performance.

  • Constituents
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Top Singapore Blue Chip risers Shows the constituent stocks that have risen in price the most over the last 24 hours, based on the percentage change since the last close of trading. This list automatically updates in real time.

Top Singapore Blue Chip fallers Shows the constituent stocks that have fallen in price the most over the last 24 hours, based on the percentage change since the last close of trading. This list automatically updates in real time.

Top Singapore Blue Chip risers Shows the constituent stocks that have risen in price the most over the last 24 hours, based on the percentage change since the last close of trading. This list automatically updates in real time.

Top Singapore Blue Chip fallers Shows the constituent stocks that have fallen in price the most over the last 24 hours, based on the percentage change since the last close of trading. This list automatically updates in real time.

% Change
% Change

Top Singapore Blue Chip risers Shows the constituent stocks that have risen in price the most over the last 24 hours, based on the percentage change since the last close of trading. This list automatically updates in real time.

Top Singapore Blue Chip fallers Shows the constituent stocks that have fallen in price the most over the last 24 hours, based on the percentage change since the last close of trading. This list automatically updates in real time.

% Change
% Change

Minimum size 0.05

Contract size SGD 100

One Pip means 1 Index Point

Value of one Pip SGD 100

Margin 5%

Minimum stop distance 1

Minimum guaranteed stop distance 2.0%

Your aggregate position in this market will be margined in the following tiers:

Tier Position size Margin
1 0 - 90.75 Contracts - SGD 5%
2 90.75 - 453.75 Contracts - SGD 5%
3 453.75 - 907.5 Contracts - SGD 5%
4 907.5 + Contracts - SGD 8%

If your aggregate position is larger than Tier 1, your margin requirement will not be reduced by non-guaranteed stops.

Please note: we have tried to ensure that the information here is as accurate as possible, but it is intended for guidance only and any errors will not be binding on us.

Expiry date 29/04/25

Last dealing date and time 29/04/25 18:10


Settles based on the Special Opening Quotation of the MSCI Singapore Free Index as reported by SGX +/- IG dealing spread.

Last rollover time 29/04/25 17:55

Rollover info

Usually, initial position closed at official closing level of day before last dealing day +/- closing spread; new position in next contract opened at official closing level of the new contract from same day, +/- opening spread.

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This is calculated to the nearest 1%.

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