Sleep. When it comes easily, you feel focused happy and on top of the world. Yet when sleep is elusive, it can impact every area of your life.
The topic of recovery and sleep is so essential to traders. We have to learn how to rejuvenate so we can keep up our energy and continue to make gains in the markets.
There are two specific areas where you need to be careful in terms of recovery with trading. Firstly, you need to recover from the repetitive nature of trading. You see, trading can be a grind, especially when you’ve been doing it for a while. It’s repetitive and requires a high degree of concentration over a long period of time.
Also, you also need to recover and be particularly aware of your sleep patterns if you’ve had either a large win, or a loss that was unexpected.
This can all impact our sleep patterns, and our confidence that we can relax enough to wake up refreshed.
That’s why I’ve invited Dr Frank Cahill to share his view with us.
Dr Frank Cahill is a clinical psychologist with over 20 years experience helping people overcome anxiety, depression, stress, phobias, trauma, and sleep-related issues. His website is jam-packed with practical strategies and tactics to help people regain their confidence in sleeping well.
Welcome Frank…
Some people are naturally night owls who come alive at night. And then, there are people who are larks, where their most productive times are in the earlier hours of the day. Is this pre-set? Can we shift this?
What’s the impact on traders who try to trade during hours when they would usually be asleep?
What is ‘good sleep’?
Why is this so important for high performance?
As a society, are we worse at sleeping now, compared to when our grandparents and great-grandparents were our age?
I’ve heard the expression ‘sleep hygiene’. What is this and why is it important?
What happens to brain function and decision-making when people experience a short-term sleep issue, compared to a chronic/longer-term sleep issue?
Are there methods you can use to recover from a sleep deficit that don’t involve waiting to go to bed at night again?
Is there any research on this topic in relation to traders?
Do you have a ‘try this at home’ tip?
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Clinical psychologist Dr Frank Cahill shares his top tips for improving sleep quality so you can focus better when trading.
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