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CFDs are leveraged products. CFD trading may not be suitable for everyone and can result in losses that exceed your deposits, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved. CFDs are leveraged products. CFD trading may not be suitable for everyone and can result in losses that exceed your deposits, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved.
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Superloop expands with $17.5 Million acquisition of Optus subsidiary Unicom, enhancing its fibre network and market position.
Web Travel Group’s results show an 8% earnings drop and 1% revenue rise, with analysts recommending a buy as the company recovers post-demerger.
EML Payments reports a 12% revenue increase in the first quarter, facing challenges in a competitive prepaid card sector.
Discover what tech stocks are, why they’re so popular and find out which ones in Singapore you should be watching. Then, when you’re ready, learn how to trade CFDs on them.
Xero posts 76% increase in half-year profit to NZ$95.1 million, showcasing its shift to profitability and commitment to growth through AI-driven innovations and revenue-focused strategies.
Explore how Mineral Resources navigates leadership changes and market volatility, and the implications these have for shareholders and long-term growth prospects in Australia's mining sector.
Helium One shares back on investors’ radar as first five Galactica development wells get greenlit.
Explore the recent performance, challenges, and opportunities of four prominent UK tech stocks: Auction Technology Group, Kainos, Softcat, and Bytes Technology