With IG since: 2020
Trading since: 2009
Preferred trading style: Long-term contrarian holds
Most memorable trade: Having the conviction to buy the Rolls-Royce share price dip in the pandemic madness of October 2020 and holding for a 1,000%+ return over the next four years. Lesson learnt: Conduct your own thorough research and then trust it. But don’t forget the stop loss!
Favourite financial book and podcast: Essential reading includes David Dreman’s Contrarian Investment Strategies: The Psychological Edge. In a world where the US is seemingly swallowing up all available capital, it’s worth considering how sustainable this really is in the long term.
As I have a special interest in junior resource companies, I enjoy the Money of Mine podcast which is very good at breaking down complex subject matter.
Charles also enjoys the occasional glass of whisky.