If you want to trade US stocks we are required to document all holders of securities which might pay US-incorporated income (e.g. dividends) according to our obligations to the US tax authorities, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
If you want to trade US stocks we are required to document all holders of securities which might pay US-incorporated income (e.g. dividends) according to our obligations to the US tax authorities, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
If you’re an individual and want to deal on US equities from any of your IG accounts, you’ll need to complete a W-8BEN form. Simply do the following:
This will complete the form electronically, and file it with us. The whole process should only take a minute or two.
Please find instructions about how to complete the appropriate US tax form in the documents below. You can also find instructions for each form by searching the IRS website.
Download form |
See instructions |
Joint account holders | W-8BEN (558KB) | See note below* |
Corporate accounts | W-8BEN-E (243KB) | Guidance |
Trust accounts | W-8BEN-E (243KB) | Guidance |
Self-managed super funds | W-8BEN-E (243KB) | Guidance |
Individual US citizens/taxpayers | W-9 (110KB) | See IRS website |
* Please note that joint account holders should each complete a W-8BEN form and return to us together. Do NOT disclose your TFN on these forms.
Please return a scanned copy of any completed forms to clientlifecycle.ao@ig.com, or alternatively return any hard-copy declarations to us at
IG, Level 32, Queen & Collins, 376-390 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000.
We may charge a $50 fee on accounts which have not supplied a mandatory W-8BEN or W-9 form prior to the dividend ex-date of a qualifying trade on a US-incorporated stock. We do not apply this fee to accounts with up-to-date documentation or accounts which have not entered into qualifying trades. We will notify you if you have entered into a qualifying trade and need to complete a form.
Or ask about opening an account on 1800 601 799, or +61 3 9860 1799, or helpdesk.au@ig.com.
If you're calling from NZ, you can contact us on 0800 442 150
We're here 24 hours a day, except from 9am to 1pm Saturdays (AEDT).