High: 10698.5
Low: 10693.0
The percentage of IG client accounts with positions in this market that are currently long or short. Calculated to the nearest 1%.
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Minimum size 1
Contract size EUR 2
One Pip means 0
Value of one Pip EUR 2 (GBP 1.67)
Margin 3.33%
Minimum stop distance 5
Minimum guaranteed stop distance 100
Your aggregate position in this market will be margined in the following tiers:
Tier | Position size | Margin |
1 | 0 - 55 Contracts - EUR | 3.33% |
2 | 55 - 110 Contracts - EUR | 3.33% |
3 | 110 - 165 Contracts - EUR | 3.33% |
4 | 165 + Contracts - EUR | 3.33% |
If your aggregate position is larger than Tier 1, your margin requirement will not be reduced by non-guaranteed stops.
Please note: we have tried to ensure that the information here is as accurate as possible, but it is intended for guidance only and any errors will not be binding on us.
Expiry date 05/06/25
Last dealing date and time 05/06/25 16:15
Settles based on the official settlement price of the Eurex Schatz futures contract on the last dealing day +/- IG dealing spread.
Last rollover time 05/06/25 16:00
Rollover info
Usually, initial position closed at official closing level of day before last dealing day +/- closing spread; new position in next contract opened at official closing level of the new contract from same day, +/- opening spread.
* While leverage can amplify profits it also magnifies losses, as both are calculated on the full size of the position, not your initial margin. Always remember to use an effective risk management strategy.
* While leverage can amplify profits it also magnifies losses, as both are calculated on the full size of the position, not your initial margin. Always remember to use an effective risk management strategy.
Other positions taken by clients trading this market
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This is calculated to the nearest 1%.
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1For CFDs, based on revenue excluding FX, published financial statements, October 2016; number of active UK financial spread betting accounts (Investment Trends UK Leveraged Trading Report October 2016); for forex based on number of primary relationships with FX traders (Investment Trends UK Leveraged Trading Report October 2016).