
外国為替証拠金(FX)及びCFD取引はレバレッジ取引であり、元本や利益が保証されていません 外国為替証拠金(FX)及びCFD取引はレバレッジ取引であり、元本や利益が保証されていません

Shane Walton

Shane started at IG in July 2019, having spent the previous two years working as a financial copywriter for a boutique firm in Melbourne’s inner suburbs. During that time, he also worked as a freelance finance writer, covering small and micro-cap companies primarily in the resource sector.

Having studied philosophy at university, understanding what influences markets and motivates investors is something that deeply fascinates him. Ultimately, Shane’s diverse professional writing experience coupled with his passion for financial markets allows him to write engaging and informative financial news content.