
外国為替証拠金(FX)及びCFD取引はレバレッジ取引であり、元本や利益が保証されていません 外国為替証拠金(FX)及びCFD取引はレバレッジ取引であり、元本や利益が保証されていません

Travis Robson

Travis has been working in the financial markets for over nine years, with companies including ABN AMBRO, HSBC Investment Bank, Global Trader and PSG Online Securities. He currently heads up our premium client management department and is a regular contributor to media organisations that include Reuters Africa, Summit TV, Moneyweb, SABC and CNBC Africa. Travis is also a representative of the Financial Services Board (FSB), a member of the South African Institute for Financial Markets and an equity derivative member of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.